Cloud migration case studies for small and medium-sized businesses

Deciding whether to migrate to the cloud? Learn from the experiences of other organizations about the types of cloud computing environments available and important considerations to keep in mind on your cloud migration journey.

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Traditionally, business applications such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software have been located on-premises, within an organization’s own IT infrastructure.

However, COVID-19 has magnified the importance of cloud-based technologies, leading to accelerated digital adoption across many organizations. While relocation of these applications to the cloud is becoming an increasingly popular choice, it is certainly not the only option.

Read about the journey of three organizations and the decision-making process they went through to identify a solution in support of their organizational needs and objectives.

You will learn about:

  • possible computing environments for housing your business applications
  • top considerations when trying to choose between computing environments for your organization
  • key learnings from three organizations who were trying to decide whether to migrate to the cloud