Introduction to blockchain technology

Learn about blockchain technology and familiarize yourself with the potential implications, opportunities and risks for capital markets and reporting.

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Awareness and understanding of the potential impact of emerging technologies are critical to the success of Chartered Professional Accountants (CPAs) as business leaders and trusted advisors in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

Technological Disruption of Capital Markets and Reporting?: An Introduction to Blockchain is intended to familiarize CPAs with blockchain technology and its potential because evidence suggests that investment and innovation in this area may accelerate.

Blockchain originated as the technology underlying the digital currency Bitcoin, but is currently receiving attention for its expanding applicability, particularly within capital markets and reporting. Blockchain-enabled automated processes could significantly affect the way business is conducted and the way information is exchanged and reported in the future if it is widely adopted.

This paper is intended to raise awareness of blockchain technology, provide examples of current blockchain initiatives and consider how capital markets and reporting might evolve as blockchain technology is further developed and implemented.