Finance Canada releases Notice of Ways and Means Motion to implement certain 2023 budget proposals and other measures

Finance has released a Notice of Ways and Means Motion (NWMM) to implement some of the proposals included in the 2023 federal budget as well as a number of other previously announced measures, such as:

  • Deduction for Tradespeople’s Tool Expenses
  • Temporary changes to Registered Disability Savings Plan rules 
  • Mandatory Disclosure Rules
  • Electronic Filing and Certification of Tax
  • Reporting Rules for Digital Platform Operators
  • GST/HST treatment of payment card clearing services

Of note, the NWMM includes significant changes to the proposed Mandatory Disclosure Rules.  We will be reviewing the legislation in greater detail and will provide an update on the key changes.

For further details, please see the NWMM.

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