Understanding the anti-avoidance measures affecting FIs in the 2013 federal budget

To help you learn how some anti-avoidance initiatives introduced in the 2013 federal budget will affect financial institutions (FIs), Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) is providing you with easy access to this key resource on the topic from PwC.

A special focus on tax avoidance emerged in Budget 2013, with the government introducing four anti-avoidance measures in Bill C-4 that will have an impact on organizations in the financial services industry. You can learn more about these proposed rules and how they are relevant to FIs with this article from PwC. Published in the November 12, 2013 edition of Tax Insights, PwC’s periodic newsletter focusing on a broad range of corporate and personal tax issues, the article provides in-depth information on the objective, scope and implications of the new rules.