Customs automated reference library (CARL Plus): Canada’s leading comprehensive customs reference service

Experience the convenience of a complete, searchable library that helps you quickly classify goods, find applicable duty rates, establish correct value for duty and determine origin of imported goods.

Prices may change without notice.

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CARL Plus provides importers and customs brokers with accurate, up-to-date customs information that’s easily searchable.

What will you find?

Canadian, U.S. and international materials, including:

  • up-to-date Customs Tariff and other legislation
  • case law
  • D Memoranda and other government publications
  • tariff classification rulings
  • fillable forms
  • CPA Canada Commodity Tax Symposium papers (exclusive)
  • the World Customs Organization’s Harmonized System Explanatory Notes and Compendium of Classification Opinions

CARL Plus also includes the Commodity Tax News and TaxMatters@EY enewsletters.