Stay current on new developments in the wealth and tax arena

To help you gain clarity on recent trends, issues and policies relating to the areas of wealth and taxes, Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) is providing you with access to this resource on the topic by PwC.

Expand your understanding of wealth and tax matters and how these may impact your accounting practice and your clients with PwC’s Wealth and Tax Matters 2013, Issue 2. Relevant to private businesses, executives, entrepreneurs and investors, this guide features eight articles on a range of subjects within the sphere of taxation and investment.

What you will learn

This 42-page guide addresses topics such as:

  • establishing residency for the purpose of determining tax on worldwide income
  • the tax benefit of using your company to hold your investments
  • new Canadian rules affecting investment in offshore funds
  • a strategy to reduce your family’s overall tax burden