Advocacy: In support of the public interest

Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) strives to achieve its obligation to serve the best interests of the public.

The guiding principle and overarching objective of CPA Canada is enabling Canada’s accounting profession to serve and protect the public. To meet that objective, we consistently develop and promote programs, and advocate for public policy that serves consumers, businesses and organizations.

We ensure Canada’s accounting profession optimally serves the public interest by providing high-quality professional development and extensive guidance to members, contributing to accounting standard setting in Canada and worldwide, and advocating for the profession and the public on Parliament Hill and with public office holders across the country.

Public office holders generally include any elected or appointed government officials, any government employees or anyone appointed to or employed by a government or public-sector agency or corporation.

Advocacy is a legitimate activity of the democratic process as it contributes to well-informed and balanced public policy and government decision-making.


When dealing with public office holders, CPA Canada is committed to the highest standards of conduct and strives to be a leader in complying with lobbying laws and transparency and ethics requirements.

CPA Canada is registered where required by law in all of the Canadian jurisdictions where it engages in lobbying (typically defined as a communication made in an attempt to influence a government or legislative decision) and reports those lobbying communications which are available publicly.


The content on this web domain is not an invitation by CPA Canada to enter into contractual relations with any corporation, organization or government entity. It is not intended as a communication with a public office holder in respect of, or to influence, the development of law or policy, or any other decision, by any government entity, or as persuasion to communicate directly with a public office holder to pressure the public office holder to endorse a particular opinion.