Guidance and tools for audit committees

Check out our informative guidance and tools for audit committee members.

Prepared by Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada), the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) and the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB), these documents are packed full of insights and practical advice to help your audit committee review and discuss auditor performance with a focus on audit quality.

Our guidance and tools documents for audit committees are the result of the recommendations and conclusions of the Enhancing Audit Quality (EAQ) initiative, which was completed by CPA Canada and CPAB in 2013. We are also pleased to provide you with Protocol for Audit Firm Communication of CPAB Inspection Findings with Audit Committees, which was developed by CPAB.

You will learn about:

  • activities to enhance oversight and assessment of the external auditor
  • key factors of audit quality to consider when performing an annual auditor assessment
  • guidance on conducting and reporting on a comprehensive auditor review
  • best practices for communicating CPAB inspection findings