WebTrust seal program

Learn about the WebTrust seal program for Certification Authorities.

The WebTrust for Certification Authorities program was developed to increase consumer confidence in the Internet as a vehicle for conducting ecommerce, and to increase consumer confidence in the application of PKI technology. This program, which was originally developed jointly by the AICPA and CICA, is now managed by Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada.

Public accounting firms and practitioners who are enrolled by CPA Canada, can provide assurance engagements to report on the disclosure of relevant policies and effectiveness of controls by a certification authority (CA) using the relevant principles and criteria. The posting of the WebTrust seal of assurance is a symbolic representation of a practitioner's unqualified report. This seal, when provided, is displayed on the certificate authority’s website and linked to the practitioner's report and other relevant information.

For inquiries regarding WebTrust, please contact CPA Canada.