Implementation tool for practitioners: New quality management standards

Learn about the components of a system of quality management, what this means for your firm and steps to take to implement the new Canadian Standards on Quality Management.

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We have issued this Implementation Tool for Practitioners to assist you with the implementation of Canadian Standard on Quality Management (CSQM) 1, Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements, or Other Assurance or Related Services Engagements.

The tool has a core document to explain the scope and objective of CSQM 1 and individual appendices which expand on each component of your system of quality management.

The tool includes:

  • questions and answers to understand the impact of the CSQM 1 on your firm
  • an overview of the risk assessment process, including considerations for designing and implementing responses to identified quality risks
  • example scenarios
  • factors to consider in evaluating the system of quality management
  • tips on what you can do to prepare for CSQM 1

Check out our quality management guidance resources landing page for other useful resources such as:

  • practitioner alert
  • audit and assurance alert
  • Practitioner's Pulse webinars
  • blog articles
  • links to international resources