Practice management, advisory, compilations and tax guide (PACT)

Take advantage of this effective resource which provides guidance, templates, and useful links for practitioners in the areas of practice management, advisory, compilations, and tax.

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The PACT has been developed with sole practitioners and small- to medium-sized practices (SMPs) in mind to help you and your staff perform compilation, tax and various advisory services, as well as provide guidance on practice management topics.

PACT will help you:

  • conduct high-quality, cost-effective compilation engagements in compliance with professional standards, as well as other advisory services, including tax
  • implement best practices at your firm to operate more efficiently
  • inform, educate and train professional accountants and students
  • better serve the public interest

What's included:

  • PACT Resource Centre (Homepage)
    A one-stop PACT Resource Centre, available through, providing resources and links to relevant compilation, tax, practice management and advisory topics from CPA Canada, the CPA provincial and regional accounting bodies, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), our sponsors and other sources.
  • Bookkeeping
    Bookkeeping engagement letter (to assist in identifying and communicating the appropriate terms of the engagement for bookkeeping services) and checklists (to track bookkeeping items to request from client, and to assist with the preparation, review and completion of the applicable bookkeeping engagement).
  • Business Valuations Overview
    Guidance for non-valuator CPAs should they decide to undertake valuation engagements. The content in this section outlines summarized valuation theory, practice standards as issued by the CBV Institute (trade name of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators), practical advice (tips and traps), and an example of a valuation report, an engagement checklist as well as other relevant material for straightforward and low-risk valuation engagements.
  • Compilation Engagements
    Practice aids (templates, letters and reports), an illustrative case study, detailed sample completed forms and a step-by-step guide to completing compilation engagements that address the key requirements and concepts in the professional standards (Canadian Standard on Related Services, CSRS 4200 - Compilation Engagements).
  • Quality Management for Related Services Practitioners
    A streamlined approach for firms only performing related services engagements that adheres to Canadian Standards on Quality Management (CSQM) which is effective December 15, 2023. Includes application guidance, practice aids, case study and filled-in-forms.
  • Tax Services
    Tax service engagement letters, transmittal letters, personal tax organizer, and preparation and client acceptance checklists.

*Please note that CSRS 4200, Compilation Engagements replaces the existing Section 9200, Compilation Engagements and is effective for periods ending on or after December 14, 2021.

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