Use and monitoring of WebTrust seals

Find examples of proper usage of the WebTrust seal and mark, and learn about renewing, revoking, and suspending seals.

Once a WebTrust seal is issued, the practitioner’s client may continue to display the seal on its website, provided the client obtains an updated, unqualified practitioner’s report on a regular basis. However, if the client is no longer in compliance, the client must remove the seal from its website.

The interval between updates should never exceed 12 months. This interval may depend upon the complexity of the client’s operation; the frequency of significant changes to the client’s systems, policies, and disclosures; and the practitioner’s professional judgment.

Seal renewal
The seal will remain valid for one year, plus a 90-day grace period, unless it is revoked or suspended. The grace period is provided to allow sufficient time for the practitioner to complete the subsequent engagement and submit the unqualified assurance report to CPA Canada.

Revoking or suspending seals
If the practitioner determines that the client’s systems, policies and disclosures fail to meet the WebTrust principles and criteria at any time, or if the client fails to renew the seal through a subsequent engagement at the end of one year, the practitioner will immediately notify the client and advise that the seal and any printed or online materials must be removed from the client’s website.

Restoring seals
A practitioner may restore a WebTrust seal after it has been revoked or suspended if an unqualified report can be rendered. The practitioner may either reinstate the original report, if it is once again accurate, or issue a new report.

Suspending a practitioner
CPA Canada retains the right to revoke seals for a practitioner’s firm if it is no longer a member in good standing. In this case, we have the ability to revoke the seals that the practitioner’s firm is using, and may also revoke those seals that the practitioner’s clients are using.


Find examples of proper usage of the WebTrust seal and mark.



Webtrust seal





  • May only use the seal illustratively, in connection with explanation of the purpose of WebTrust program and the meaning of WebTrust seal.
  • May not use the seal to promote services, on letterhead or any products or merchandise.


  • May use the block letter WebTrust mark to promote WebTrust assurance services.



  • May display the seal on the web site to demonstrate that an enrolled WebTrust practitioner has issued an unqualified assurance report to report on the disclosure of relevant policies and effectiveness of controls at a Certification Authority. The client may not place its marks or logos alongside or in proximity to the seal so as to suggest that it is the source of the WebTrust services.
  • May use the seal illustratively, in connection with explanation of the purpose of WebTrust Program and the meaning of WebTrust seal.
  • May not use the seal to promote services, on letterhead or any products or merchandise.


  • May use the block letter WebTrust mark in connection with explanation of the purpose of WebTrust Program and the meaning of WebTrust seal.
  • May not use the mark to promote services, on letterhead or any products or merchandise.


For inquiries regarding WebTrust, please contact CPA Canada.