Canadian tax news

Your source for the latest Canadian tax news and updates on changing tax laws. Working collaboratively with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) we aim to bring clarity on pressing tax questions and tax updates.

Please visit our archive page for content from 2020. There are no posts on this page older than 2020.


On November 3, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance released the federal government’s 2022 Fall Economic Statement (FES), which contained several new tax announcements along with an update on previously announced tax measures.

As mentioned in our August 22, 2022 news item, “Update on electronic notices of assessments”, Finance Canada recently proposed legislation that would allow the Minister of National Revenue to provide a notice of assessment (NOA) electronically to an individual who filed their personal income tax return electronically, and has authorized that notices or other communications may be made available in this manner. 

From a recent discussion with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), it is our understanding that there will be no changes in the process for issuing personal NOAs until at least 2024. We will keep you posted as we get additional information.

We received a number of questions regarding the revised version of form T1134, which we passed along to the CRA. The CRA has responded to all our queries and plans to update its T1134 Q&A page as soon as the French translation has been completed. The CRA has asked us to share the English responses with our members as it recognizes the October 31 filing due date for many reporting entities is fast approaching. We will post an update when these responses are on the CRA’s website in both languages.

As a follow up to our September 12, 2022 news item, “Questions on the new Form T2054 – Election for a Capital Dividend Under Subsection 83(2)”, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has responded to our question on whether taxpayers can continue to use the previous version of the T2054 until tax software developers have incorporated the new T2054 into their products.

The CEBA website has been updated to reiterate that the December 31, 2022 forgiveness repayment deadline will be extended to December 31, 2023 for eligible CEBA loan holders in good standing. If CEBA participants are in good standing and qualify for the new extended term, they will be contacted by their financial institution with details regarding the new repayment date. The website also provides more guidance on repayment and forgiveness terms in the FAQ section.

Due to increased concerns with identify theft, Confirm my Representative was introduced by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a new two-factor authorization process for confirming the representative and preventing client information from being given to unauthorized representatives.

As discussed in prior news items and tax blog, the federal government has announced proposals that will require additional reporting for “reportable transactions” and “notifiable transactions.”

Trust reporting rules are changing for 2022 returns due in 2023. Under this new regime, trusts will be required to file a T3 Trust Income Tax and Information Return annually for tax years ending on or after December 31, 2022, including trusts that have never filed before. Our latest tax blog on trust reporting outlines the expanded reporting requirements for trusts set out in the August 9, 2022 draft legislation.

The Canada Revenue Agency is escalating their scrutiny of personal services businesses. In a recent stakeholder email, the CRA announced its newest educational campaign focusing on potential PSB arrangements. In response to this campaign, our newest tax blog presents an overview of the PSB rules and sets out some leading practices to consider for taxpayers that deliver services through a corporation.

As we have previously reported, the government announced in the 2021 federal budget, followed by draft legislation released on February 4, 2022, that it would be providing the CRA with the ability to send certain Notices of Assessments (“NOAs”) electronically without the taxpayer having to authorize the CRA to do so (“NOA proposal”).

On August 9, 2022, the federal Department of Finance (Finance Canada) released a large package of draft legislation covering several tax measures from the 2022 federal budget and previous announcements.

We know you’re busy and it can be hard to keep track of what’s new. We’ve put together a list of some past news items and blogs that you may have missed but are still worth a read.

Further to our June 13 news item, the CRA has now published an updated T2 Schedule 63 –  Return of Fuel Charge Proceeds to Farmers Tax Credit which appears to now correctly compute the credit. We understand that tax software providers have included the update, or will soon be including it, in their software.

As reported in our November 9, 2021, news item, the Disability Tax Credit Promoters Restriction Act (DTCPRA) has been suspended until further notice due to a court injunction.

While the court case has not yet concluded, the CRA has updated its interpretation of the services to be included in the $100 DTC fee cap. Question 7 on the CRA Q&A to the DTCPRA webpage now indicates that the $100 DTC fee cap on promoters will not apply to work done to assist with the filing of notices of objection, where previously the CRA only listed work related to appeal to the Tax Court of Canada.

The CRA has updated Form T2201, Disability Tax Credit CertificateGuide RC4064 Disability-Related Informationand other online resources and tools to reflect amendments included in Bill C-19 (Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1) to improve access to the Disability Tax Credit (DTC). The CRA has indicated that it will continue to enhance the DTC webpages to make it easier for individuals to review eligibility for the credit, to apply and to learn what other benefits they may have access to if they qualify.

We continue to provide feedback to the CRA on the DTC forms, tools and resources and will keep you informed of relevant new developments.

On June 9th, 2022, Bill C-8, An Act to implement certain provisions of the economic and fiscal update tabled in Parliament on December 14, 2021 and other measures, received Royal Assent.

We have learned that there is an issue with new T2 Schedule 63 (Return of Fuel Charge Proceeds to Farmers Tax Credit) as the calculation on this form does not appear to agree with the draft legislation for the credit contained in Bill C-8 (Economic and Fiscal Update Implementation Act, 2021). For corporations that are allowed to claim the credit, the credit is based on the total of all amounts deducted in the year by the corporation in computing Part I income from farming activities, excluding inventory adjustments and non-arm’s length transactions. However, on Schedule 63, the CRA has used line 9898 from T2 SCH 125 as the starting point for the calculation. This is incorrect, as this line represents total farm expenses for accounting purposes from the corporation’s financial statements which may not necessarily agree with what the corporation actually deducted for tax purposes. The CRA is reviewing the issue.

We will provide an update as more information is obtained.

We understand that the CRA has released a new version of T2 Schedule 141 in the May 2022 tax preparation software updates. The new form allows CPAs to better describe their involvement in T2 preparation. We have summarized how we assume the new form will be completed for the following common engagements.

The Joint Committee on Taxation (JC) made a submission in response to the government’s consultation on the draft legislation released on February 4, 2022 relating to the Reporting Requirements for Trusts.

As noted in our April 27, 2022 news item, the CRA has indicated that since the final draft legislation on immediate expensing has been released, taxpayers can include immediate expensing in the calculation of their capital cost allowance (CCA) deduction.

The federal government has recently released a Notice of Ways and Means Motion (with draft legislation) to implement certain provisions included in the 2022 federal budget as well as some other previously announced measures. Included in the release are final draft rules on the immediate expensing rules first announced in the 2021 federal budget and then expanded in the 2022 budget.

In a communication to us, the CRA stated that since final draft legislation was released, taxpayers can include immediate expensing in the calculation of their capital cost allowance (CCA) deduction. However, adjustment requests to recognize immediate expensing for returns that have already been filed cannot be processed until after Royal Assent has been received.

On April 20, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) posted a reminder on the EFILE news and programs update page on the proposed Return of Fuel Charge Proceeds to Farmers Tax Credit and the Eligible Educator School Supply Tax Credit. The CRA has again stated that returns containing a claim for these credits cannot be assessed until Bill C-8 (Economic and Fiscal Update Implementation Act, 2021) receives Royal Assent. We provided more background information on this issue in our March 3 news item and considerations for taxpayers who are in a refund position.

As noted previously in our December 21, 2021 news item, Bill C-2 (An Act to provide further support in response to COVID-19) contained a change that may restrict Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) claims made by a publicly traded company or a subsidiary of such a company that paid dividends to an individual who held common shares. One area of confusion was on the effective date of the change.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recently posted an update on the filing requirements for individuals who are applying the tax changes in Bill C-208 for intergenerational transfers.

Watch now: 2022 Federal Budget Tax Highlights webinar

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland tabled Canada’s federal budget on April 7, 2022. CPA Canada hosted a webinar in English and French to provide an overview of the most important tax measures contained in this year’s budget and to address some key questions raised by members. In addition, you can download the Tax Highlights.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) publishes its audit manuals and policy documents on the following page. The CRA has recently published 3 updated policies.

The CRA has recently informed us that it has revised its guidance, which we originally summarized in our March 8 update, on how to deal with questions 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 where a note must be attached to a T3 return that is being EFILED. The CRA has now advised us that this information only has to be retained by the taxpayer in their records in the event the CRA asks to see it at a later date.

Further to our March 8 update on T3 EFILE, we have received a communication from the CRA on the proposed changes on electronic filing for tax preparers contained in subsections 150.1(2.2) and (2.3) of the Income Tax Act.

On March 11, Finance Canada released draft legislation on the Luxury Tax that was proposed in the 2021 Federal Budget. Subject to parliamentary approval, the tax will apply beginning on September 1, 2022. Finance Canada’s news release states that “two notable new provisions” are included in the legislation:

  • relief is proposed to be provided to after-sale improvements that are made to vehicles, aircraft or vessels purchased below the relevant price threshold; and
  • relief for aircraft is proposed to be expanded to take into account qualifying flights that are conducted in the course of a business with a reasonable expectation of profit.

We have received additional information from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on T3 EFILE, which we wanted to pass on along with some other issues to keep in mind with the introduction of T3 EFILE.

As noted in our recent tax blog, there are several Budget 2021 proposed tax measures that would impact 2021 personal income tax returns. As these measures have not yet been enacted, there has been uncertainty on how affected taxpayers should file T1 returns.

Further to a recommendation we made last spring, the CRA has recently updated its MFA process by allowing users to opt whether they want to input the MFA passcode each time they sign in, or to just input the “one-time” MFA passcode once every 8 hours if the user is using the same device.

The CRA released the 2021 versions of the T2200S Declaration of Conditions of Employment for Working at Home Due to COVID-19 (T2200S) and T777S Statement of Employment Expenses for Working at Home Due to COVID-19 (T777S) for employee home office expense claims. Both forms are similar to last year’s versions. The CRA has also highlighted the criteria that must be met for employers interested in automating the completion of electronic T2200S forms.

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