News from the profession


CPD is important for any business leader – but when it comes to Chartered Professional Accountants (CPAs), the value of learning goes beyond that. It’s the best way to build new skills and future-proof your career.

Innovation and transformation expert, Max Valiquette, sat down with CPA Canada to talk about the next generation of civil servants and the value of change for Canada’s public sector.

Bitcoin isn’t just for fintech savants anymore. It’s also the new go-to resource of digital fraudsters. Find out how cryptocrime is transforming the profession – and what you can do to help protect your clients.

Interested in teaching tax for CPA Canada? Or dedicating time on a tax committee? We asked winners at the recent Tax Faculty and Volunteer Appreciation event why it pays to get involved in tax.

Innovation is a key part of enhancing Canada’s future as a land of opportunity and financial sustainability. Can new incentives help kickstart the economy?

In many ways, the answer depends on what path we choose. Learn about what’s at stake and how you can make a difference in this Q&A with well-known futurist, tech critic and entrepreneur, Andrew Keen.

Innovation doesn’t just happen – leaders must encourage it by empowering their teams with the right skills, tools and support. Could reimagining organizational culture through the lens of intrapreneurship be the key to success?

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